As a Palm Harbor and Tallahassee mobile notary service, we have random schedules, we get a lot of crazy calls, we have a lot of hoops to jump through…so it’s important that we work as a team. Lucky for us at A Notary On The Go our team consists of family members. As a Palm Harbor and Tallahassee mobile notary service, we officiate weddings, notarize Wills, school documents, perform loan closings, and much much more.
Juggling all of this, while having a some sort of a life, requires a lot team work. For our Palm Harbor and Tallahassee mobile notary service team that means constant communication, honesty, and helping each other out when needed.

We are not running around alone, when you hire us you hire our TEAM of experienced Florida Notary Public’s.
Typically notary “jobs” happen at the last minute so we need to stay flexible and help each other out. In Palm Harbor, Charmaine works as a team with George Jr. and George Sr. to do everything from closings, officiate and perform weddings, wedding photography, Spanish weddings, closings, and much more! Sometimes working as a team is more than just helping get the notary stamp done. It means helping a team member out by bringing documents to the Fedex or UPS box so it goes out same day, help with picking up Adriana (George Jr.’s daughter) from school, and help if you have a meeting or doctors appointment and can’t take your calls and need to forward them to someone to take so you don’t miss business.
In Tallahassee, I am fortunate to have the help of my direct little team which consist of Lola, my Dog, aka the Chief Security Officer and my husband Ryan. Lola helps me out and ALWAYS alerts me when someone is at the house to get something notarized. She also helps walk packages up to the local UPS store so they go out same day: ) Ryan doesn’t perform weddings or notarize, but he helps me out in so many other ways. He’ll deliver my packages in the drop of a hat when I call in a panic. He will start printing my documents out so when I get home in a rush they are ready and I can run out. He helps me with my accounting… he’s a CPA 🙂
Even though, George Sr., George Jr., and Charmaine are not with me in Tallahassee they help me out a lot too. TEAM WORK is essential to surviving in this crazy industry. Without each others help, listening/understanding ear, and advice I don’t know where we’d be!
For us team work also mean asking each other questions about changed laws, new printers, ink cartrdiges, wedding vows, and more. When you hire our team of Palm Harbor and Tallahassee notary service you get our team not just one of us.