How to get an Apostille for a School Transcript in Florida
There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to obtaining an Apostille for a school transcript. The State of Florida is very particular when it come to school transcripts so before send your school transcripts to get Apostille be sure it’s done correctly. The State of Florida considers college, university, and high school transcripts public records so a notary public is not able to make a certified copy of original.
To get a Florida Apostille for a school transcript
You must have your school’s registrar sign the transcript in front of a Florida Notary Public and the notary properly notarize. For example, your school’s registrar is Amanda Panda and Lola Monster is a Florida Notary Public. Amanda Panda needs to sign your transcripts in front of Lola Monster Notary. Once Amanda Panda (registrar) has signed it Lola Monster the Notary Public needs to properly notarize. Properly notarize means the following statement is on the transcript:
State of Florida, County of ______, sworn to and subscribed before me this __________day of ______________, _____2017 by _________________ (insert the registrars name) who is personally know or provided a Driver’s License.
______________-Signature of Florida Notary Public __________________Notary Stamp
Check out the example that State of Florida provides:
Be aware
We handle are a professional Apostille courier service in Tallahassee Florida and not affiliated with the Dept. of State. Through our experience handling Apostilles we’ve seen the State reject requests for Apostille of School Transcripts because this is not done. You cannot simply send us your transcripts and get an Apostille. We wish it was that easy but it’s not. Once you’ve had the school sign your transcripts and had it notarize, you can send us the document and we will be able to get you a Florida Apostille. If you are in a rush for an Apostille you can request that the school ships your signed transcripts directly to us. Apostille service is provided Tampa Clearwater and Apostille service in Tallahassee.
Please complete our message form to get started with getting your Apostille.